Wellness Screenings powered by AI

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High-tech, high-touch solution.

We're passionate about revolutionizing the way health screenings are conducted by providing a cutting-edge software solution that combines the power of AI technology with a human touch.
ChatGPT for Wellness
Our health and wellness coaches have leveraged their expertise to fine-tune GPT. As a result, our software generates more personalized and effective wellness recommendations.
HeartAge Assessment
We're excited to offer this evidence-based cutting-edge feature to our clients as part of our commitment to providing the most comprehensive and effective screening solution available.
Trend Analysis
Participants can review their health trends in real-time and identify if their health is improving or deteriorating, even before their numbers shift into a different risk category.
Smart Notifications
With Smart Notifications, your participants will receive timely email and text reminders about their upcoming screenings, as well as follow-up surveys and wellness coaching sessions.
ARiA Coach
This powerful tool provides ongoing reminders, tips, and progress tracking, ARiA Coach helps participants stay committed to their wellness goals long after the screening is over.
Screener Compliance
By leveraging the power of ARiA, you can rest assured that your wellness events are staffed by highly qualified, compliant screeners who are committed to delivering the best possible service to your clients.
HRA Integration
Our software is designed to be fully customizable, enabling integration with different Health Risk Assessments or the ability to upload custom questions to include in the screening reporting.
Physician Form Integration
Our lab/fax/email form integration feature uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Technology to process screening data from multiple sources allowing ARiA to seamlessly integrate with your workflow.
Metabolic Syndrome
With ARiA, you can access a comprehensive and personalized report of metabolic syndrome risk factors. Our software aggregates the data and provides a detailed analysis, allowing you to easily identify trends.

AI-powered Wellness Coach

ARiA Coach is a comprehensive wellness solution that supports participants beyond the screening event. By providing ongoing reminders, tips, and progress tracking, ARiA Coach helps participants stay committed to their wellness goals. With this powerful tool, participants can continue to make progress and achieve their objectives, benefiting from the guidance and support of ARiA's wellness experts every step of the way.

Why choose ARiA?

ARiA Engage

ARiA enables you to make data-driven decisions and drive overall performance improvement.

Client Experience Monitor

Receive anonymous feedback on your screeners' interactions with clients, promoting accountability and improving customer service.

Screener Performance Pulse

Track screeners' performance metrics such as screening times, customer satisfaction scores, and other key indicators.

Make it your own!

ARiA offers a powerful, flexible solution that can be fully customized to meet the unique needs of your organization. With our white-labeling option, you can provide your participants with a customized, branded experience that aligns with your company's values and messaging. This enables you to deliver a consistent, high-quality experience that reinforces your brand and strengthens your relationship with your participants.